Trainings & REtreats
Here are some of the most popular topics that are often the focus of trainings and retreats led by Lindsay. If you have a specific topic need for a training that you or your congregation desire, reach out! Additionally, stay up-to-date on all upcoming training dates by signing up for the newsletter at the bottom of the webpage.
clergy ethics.
Clergy Ethics is designed as a multi-part training -- three hours of online learning videos with various voices combined with a 5 hour (4-hour training plus breaks) in-person interactive training. This training hits all key learning styles and allows individuals that need time to digest the dense online-training content to move at their own pace before in-person interactive engagement with the material. The training is framed through a lens of self-care -- beginning with the introduction of self-care and its importance, self-care tools woven throughout, and ending with the reflection on self-care and its impacts on ministry. Topics covered throughout the session include: boundary basics, boundary crossings and violations, power and vulnerability, expectations, transference and countertransference, dual relationships (including dating and friendship), loneliness, receiving gifts, technology and social media, harassment, finance, pornography, and mandated reporting. The whole training -- while teaching about how to make decisions around boundaries and what boundaries are predefined -- is focused on the importance of clergy remaining personally healthy which leads to making healthy decisions and creating congregations of health.
help, pastor. i’m having a crisis.
If a congregant comes into your office in active crisis, do you know what to do? Discover how to navigate mental illness, substance misuse, and domestic violence crises when they show up at your church. Learn tips, tools, and how to connect people with resources for support.
soul care: When self-care isn’t enough.
How is your soul? In a culture where we promote self-care, we often feel like everything we try is still not enough or something is still lacking. Join us as we learn together about the history of self-care and how to navigate your own soul care through physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing.