
Lindsay cohosts a podcast and has appeared on other shows. Scroll down to listen.

Lindsay’s Podcast

  • Not Alone: Conversations on Faith & Wellbeing

    Conversations on mental health and overall wellness approached from the lens of everyday struggles and centered by Christian teachings. Hosted by Michael McCord, Evan DeYoung, and Lindsay Geist, LCSW; three faith leaders who like having vulnerable conversations about faith, wellbeing, ridiculous analogies, and overall healthy living.

Other Podcast appearances

  • Active Faith Podcast // Building a Theology of Self-Care Together: Episode 23

  • Pastoring in the Digital Parish // “Rest for the Always On Minister”

  • Active Faith Podcast // Building a Theology of Self-Care Together: Episode 32

  • "Dear God, I'm sad" podcast // (Episode 7) "Dear God, I'm Clergy" with Rev. Lindsay Geist